about me
the Big Idea
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about me
the Big Idea
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travel scraps
thoughts on the water cycle
Italy ︎︎︎ landslides, war stories, permaculture, glacial loss
Nepal ︎︎︎ hydropower, connectivity, GLOF
Chile ︎︎︎ privatization, salmon, people power
New Zealand ︎︎︎ co-governance, bird conspiracies, time
Japan ︎︎︎ coming soon
travel scraps
thoughts on the water cycle
Italy ︎︎︎
landslides, war stories, permaculture, glacial loss
Nepal ︎︎︎ hydropower, connectivity, GLOF
Chile ︎︎︎ privatization, salmon, people power
New Zealand ︎︎︎ co-governance, bird conspiracies, time
Japan ︎︎︎ coming soon
travel scraps