Confronting Changing Waters
pathways to resilience (through)-hiking

What can be learned when water does not come with a simple turn of the knob?
Whether it is glaciers receding or sea levels rising, those who rely on walking trails are witnessing climate change through water. My project, supported by the Thomas J. Watson Foundation, understands the trail as a model for a water knowledge-system; a dynamic connective infrastructure that is powered by a resilient and adaptable human force. I employ hiking to learn about different communities’ relationships to water and grow through the daily challenge of resiliently securing my own potable water across landscapes. Walking along trails in Italy, Nepal, Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, and Japan I explore instances of water fear and justice-forward responses.
On this page, you will find documentation of my learning process in the form of storymaps (best viewed on a computer). Think of these as small virtual museums of my project in each country. You’ll also find other bits and pieces from my experience.